We've noted in the past that bad news about radio seems to make headlines while good news is ignored or barely noted. Back in June we mentioned a Jupiter study that found that radio is the number one source for new music. Read it here.The latest example is the results of a Rasmussen Report that shows that radio remains the most used source of music. Inside Radio did publish a brief summary on September 9th, but other than that, it has received very little coverage.
Not only was radio number one, it wasn't even close. 42% of the 1,830 music listeners reported using the radio most often to listen to music. CD players were number two at 25%, and MP3 players were third at 14%. This ranking is consistent with other studies that show the vital role that radio plays in a music listener's life.
Only 9% of the participants listen to satellite radio, 69% have rarely or never downloaded a song, and 90% do not subscribe to a service like Rhapsody.
The new media people want us to believe that radio is dead and that everyone carries an iPod and listens to streaming music and satellite radio. Survey after survey proves otherwise. When is radio going to tell our side of the story?