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March 06, 2009



Unfortunately, in the PR war between radio and the new media, we haven't done a very good job of telling our story. The new media pundits have declared radio dead so many times that many even in our industry are beginning to believe it.

Radio as a united voice has to declare the "radio is dead" propaganda a lie if we want our listeners and customers to believe it too.

Melissa Kunde

This research comes as no surprise to me.

What I don't understand is the blind spot marketer's have with Local Radio. This medium is remarkably connective to mobile, digital and people.

And, still many marketers find self-defeating/tired ways to say "NO to Radio."

Ironically, it is they that are missing out on unprecedented opportunity.

I have proof. I know of an Auto Dealer,in our market, that for the past 7 years has used 98% Radio in his marketing mix. He targets 21-45 adults. This February 2009 was his second best February in the past 7 years. He is winning in the recession. If you ask him how he dominated our market he will say "I dominate Radio. I dominate market share."

Numbers don't lie. The closest dealer to him was significantly behind in car sales and they use a more diverse marketing mix.

The question is not whether Local Radio connects with target audiences. The questions is " Are marketer's willing see Local Radio's new opportunity and learn how to use it with mobile/digital to gain mind blowing results?

The time has come for marketer's to revisit their biases around Radio. I know the folks that do, that see the HUGE opportunity will surely win in the new land scape of the consumer-driven marketplace.

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