The latest installment of the Twilight Saga debuted around the world at 12:01 am the other day. New Moon, the previous episode, took in $710 million at the box office, $26.3 million at its midnight debut.
So of course radio stations around the country covered this midnight debut, right? We didn’t see much evidence of it, and the trades didn’t bother to mention anything about what stations did.
Just for the record , the midnight debut playing in 4,416 theaters took in $30 million, another record.
Radio people used to have a good sense of what people were excited about, what they were talking about. Radio was relevant because it was plugged into what was happening in pop culture.
Ignoring a pop phenomenon like the Twilight Saga is a serious lapse in relevancy and evidence of just how far radio has fallen.
The Twihards are young and perhaps “out of the demo” for most stations, but a major entertainment franchise that can generate over a billion dollars in revenue needs to be on the radar screen of every radio station.
If your radio station had events surrounding Eclipse, please post them here. Help prove that radio isn’t as brain-dead as it appears.