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July 29, 2014



Nice. Now add this bit habitual info.
Talking to a neighbor several years ago, a neighbor who had a meter for 6 months until her family opted out because the promised $75 per meter (more like $7) never materialized... anyway. She lamented to me that she didn't understand how the meter measured her morning listening between waking up naked, showering, etc because she didn't have anything to clip the meter to until she put on her work clothes, (any clothing) just before she left the house 1 1/2 hours later.
Maybe this explains why mornings are now deemed less important that Middays and Afternoons. Makes ya think WTF!
The only time this little meter will be effective if it comes in the form of a smaller fashionable wrist appliance like Fitbit or the Nike Fuel band. Otherwise the readings are less than bogus. Right?

Dan Deeb

As long as agencies keep buying "by the book" and stations keep paying for it, the sampling will NEVER be improved. Garbage in, Garbage Out.

Good Call Richard

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