Friday Harker Roundup
Friday, December 8, 2017
Average Listener Spends 58% Of AM/FM Time With One Station.
December 6, 2017
Listeners spend 87% of their AM/FM radio time tuned into one of their three favorite stations, according to the second-quarter 2017 Nielsen Total Audience Report. More importantly, 58% of their listening goes to just one station, the listener's P1, based on the amount of time spent with each. From there, according to the Nielsen report, listeners spend 19% of their traditional radio time with a second favorite and 10% with a third favorite station. Compared with media choices 10 years ago, audio options today are much more diverse, but AM/FM radio still reaches 93% of U.S. adults. And the majority of this listening takes place out of the home—more than two-thirds, in fact, “when people are working or close to the point of purchase when they’re shopping,” Nielsen points out.
Forecast: Local Ad Dollars Will Soar To Five-Year High In 2018.
December 6, 2017
Local ad dollars in the U.S. are on track for a big boost next year. The combination of a robust economy heading into 2018, a competitive political landscape and major growth in mobile/social media will push local ad spend up 5.2% to $151.2 billion in 2018. That’s the largest annual increase in five years, up from $140.9 billion in 2017, according to a fresh forecast from BIA Kelsey. Traditional media will gobble up nearly two thirds of the total or 64.7% with 35.3% earmarked for digital media. BIA/Kelsey defines local advertising as all advertising platforms that provide access to local audiences for national, regional and local marketers.
Data Spending To Hit $10 Billion This Year: IAB/DMA Report
December 7, 2017
U.S. companies will spend $10.05 billion on third-party audience data this year, and $10.13 billion on solutions to support its activation, according to a study from The IAB Data Center of Excellence and the Data & Marketing Association, conducted by Winterberry Group. The total for data includes $3.5 billion on email addresses, names, street addresses ad other personally identifiable information (PII), grouped together under the heading “omnichannel.” It also covers $2.9 billion on transactional data and $2 billion on digital identifiers. Of the money spent on third-party solutions, $4.3 billion will be used to support data integration, processing and hygiene, the report sates.
CBS Research Guru David Poltrack Sees “Bright Future Ahead” For Broadcast TV
December 4, 2017
Making the same bullish case he and other network executives have been making for years even as headwinds have picked up speed, CBS research guru David Poltrack added some new wrinkles to it, pointing to ad spending by tech giants and embrace of TV by millennials. RelatedCBS Cuts A Few Dozen Employees Across Broadcast Network And Syndication. In a 40-minute presentation at the 45th annual UBS Global Media and Communications Conference in New York, Poltrack proclaimed, “The broadcast business is entering a period of growth and prosperity.” Until 1992, he noted, broadcasters had a single revenue stream, but now enjoy billions in retransmission revenue and are also exploring direct-to-consumer opportunities.
Bridge Ratings: 2017 Was Podcasting’s ‘Breakthrough Year’
December 8, 2017
Was 2017 podcasting's breakthrough year? That’s the belief of Bridge Ratings in its report “Podcast Report 2018,” part of the research firm’s comprehensive Digital Year in Review. Indeed, the ratings firm surmises: “Check off a year of amazing growth for podcasting as 2017 nears its end.” And wait until you read below about the new phenomenon known as “podFASTERS.” Looking ahead, according to Bridge, “2018 holds great promise as podcasting should see further development of search and metric tools to aid in increased usage and revenue when a confluence of technology, advertising and consumer interest boost momentum for the platform, which offers content for just about every taste and interest.”